Inspiring a Growth Mindset
Stories of growth and resilience emerge from Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients as colleagues put learnings into action
Since Group-wide ‘Growth Mindset’ training took off in 2022, Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients has been showcasing real-life examples of colleagues who have embraced the growth mindset.
A growth mindset is characterised by the belief that abilities can be learnt and improved through diligence and dedication; it is a ‘can-do’ attitude embedded in our daily actions and behaviours.
At Jebsen & Jessen, we believe that each growth mindset story represents a journey of personal development and triumph. We celebrate these as beacons of inspiration for others and to cultivate a collective sense of possibility and empowerment.
Mastering English through Practice
For Senior Office Assistant in Thailand, Khun Sudarat, her journey towards improving English proficiency has been clearly fuelled by a growth mindset. Confronting the fear of making mistakes, Khun Sudarat set herself the goal of mastering English as a second language and bravely immersed herself in the language by continuously practising. This commitment led to significant progress and is inspiring others around her to embrace a growth mindset in their own language learning endeavours.

Overcoming Obstacles with Resilience
Nguyen Minh Quan, Sales Manager, Plastic & Rubber in Vietnam would be the first to admit that his conservative nature made it difficult for him to accept new ideas. Through the ‘Growth Mindset’ training, however, his perspective began to shift. He started welcoming new challenges, even venturing into unfamiliar territory within his job, determined to overcome any obstacles along the way. His teammates agree that he now exudes greater self-confidence and and readily embraces any challenge that comes his way.

Meeting New Challenges with Confidence
When Khun Noppon, Application Lab Manager in Thailand, was assigned to lead a customer training session in English, he was filled with nervousness. He was worried about teaching in a second language and not being able to connect well with his audience. Instead of withdrawing from the challenge, his growth mindset propelled him forward. While he practised delivering the training in English, Khun Noppon also focused on bringing out his strengths as a trainer and the value he could provide to the customers. By believing in himself, he successfully completed the training and received overwhelmingly positive feedback.

These stories offer just a small glimpse into how Jebsen & Jessen employees are embracing a growth mindset and how, over time, this will culminate into a culture of growth and a force for greatness from within the Group!
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