We can #BeatPlasticPollution!
Jebsen & Jessen employees rally around a worthy cause
Jebsen & Jessen’s Health & Wellness Committees regularly organises employee programmes guided by five key pillars: Environmental, Financial, Mindfulness, Physical, and Social. So far this year, the Environmental pillar has taken the spotlight as the Group intensifies efforts to integrate sustainability into all our business practices.
Heeding the call to #BeatPlasticPollution, Health & Wellness Committees in all locations came up with creative ways to engage their colleagues and encourage positive action.
Close to 60 colleagues attended an informative fireside chat where HR Manager Dwie Rizana and ITA Commercial Director Arief Dewanto discussed the recycling process of PET bottles. Two weeks later, they visited PT Polindo Utama, a recycling centre to witness how plastic waste can be transformed into reusable material.
The Health & Wellness and Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Committees joined forces to organise a beach cleanup, where close to 70 eager colleagues spent a few hours thoroughly combing through and removing garage from Sepang’s Bagan Lalang Beach.

In Myanmar, over 40 colleagues participated in a green planting session and got hands on clearing plastic trash at New Saung Beach.
It was all about upcycling for the Philippine team! Their Piggy Bank Challenge saw over 10 colleagues showcasing creativity and resourcefulness in turning recyclables into valuable items.
The Health & Wellness Committee partnered non-profit organisation Zero Waste SG to hold an enlightening seminar on ‘Climate Change, Plastic and You’ for over 60 colleagues, offering insights into the global plastic waste crisis and its environmental impact.
Close to 60 colleagues in Thailand took to restoring and rejuvenating our natural environment through a mangrove-planting activity at Bangpu’s Nature Reserve.

Over 60 Jebsen & Jessen colleagues in Vietnam swept Ngiah Do Park and Tao Dan Park clean of plastic waste while the Packaging team went a step further to incorporate a beach clean-up in their two-day team-building trip to Thanh Hoa Province. A big ‘thank you’ to all Health & Wellness Committees for bringing our colleagues together and to all participants for turning awareness into action! The second half of the year will see new and exciting activities organised under the Physical wellness pillar!